Micromamba on Windows 10


3 min read

There's nothing more fun than setting up Python environments and packages. I started using Micromamba after getting angry at a previous mamba/conda/WSL installation (self-induced pain/complication). I wanted to try it in hopes of finding a simpler python environment config with steps I could share/automate with my other enterprisey team members.

5-ish Ws for this guide What: Microconda installation
Who: Anyone in need of a simple Python env configuration
Where: Windows 10 / PowerShell
  1. Remove Anaconda and/or Mambaforge from Windows Programs

  2. Delete .condarc/.mambarc files from $HOME directory if no longer needed

  1. Open Powershell as administrator (not to be confused with Windows Powershell)

  2. Create the new directory for Micromamba

    • For example: mkdir \micromamba or mkdir ~\micromamba
  3. Navigate to the new directory cd \micromamba

  4. Download the latest Windows binaries

     Invoke-Webrequest -URI https://micro.mamba.pm/api/micromamba/win-64/latest -OutFile micromamba.tar.bz2
  5. Extract micromamba using 7-zip (or preferred unzip tool)

     7z e micromamba.tar.bz2 && 7z x micromamba.tar && MOVE -Force Library\bin\micromamba.exe micromamba.exe


Script Details - Decompress the tarball 7z e micromamba.tar.bz2
- Extract the tarball 7z x micromamba.tar
- Move micromamba.exe to root MOVE -Force Library\bin\micromamba.exe micromamba.exe
  1. Cleanup

    • You can delete the Library folder, .tar, and .tar.bz2 files now

    • Close Powershell

  2. Create new MAMBA_ROOT_PREFIX env variable and add new folder to PATH env variable example instructions

    • Control Panel -> Edit System Environment Variables -> Environment Variables

    • Verify changes in new Powershell with following command micromamba -v

  1. Open Powershell as admin

  2. Run following init script micromamba shell init -s powershell

    • This will create or update powershell profile at Powershell location

      - E.g. C:\Users\_YourUserName_\Documents\PowerShell\profile.ps1

  3. Create a new python virtual environment (I prefer the .yml config file route)

    • Create new yml config file in micromamba folder

            name: new-venv-name
              - conda-forge
              - python >=3.6,<3.7
              - ipykernel >=5.1
              - ipywidgets
    • Create the new virtual env: micromamba create -f ./new-venv-name.yaml -y

      - Replace new-venv-name with your venv name

  • If you want to wow coworkers with your shell scripting setup, then checkout Oh My Posh for Windows terminal app

  • I like to create a dedicated Windows terminal profile to avoid having to wait an extra 3 seconds for terminal to boot and conda to activate (micromamba does activate faster than conda)

    - Example config for terminal as it was confusing my first time around:

    1. Open terminal settings: ctrl + ,

    2. Edit command line: pwsh -NoExit -Command "& micromamba activate new_venv_name"

    - Replace new-venv-name with your venv name

  • Congrats! You now have a normal powershell prompt and a dedicated micromamba terminal